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Win New Book: The Art of Modelling Chocolate – Competition Ended

Competition Ended

Award winning cake artist Nadia Flecha Guazo from the company ChokoLate has come out with her debut book showing you how to make astonishing models with chocolate!

Just enter your details below and we will select 5 lucky winners! OPEN WORLDWIDE

Closing date: Sunday 9th of May


Nadia Flecha Guazo (2)FB Blog Chocolate_FinalCover_HighRes-1



COMPETITION CLOSED: Win The Art of Modeling Chocolate!





40 Responses to Win New Book: The Art of Modelling Chocolate – Competition Ended

  1. Heba Elalfy

    She’s my sugar artist super crush and have followed and enjoyed her work from the beginning! I absolutely love her work. <3 <3 <3 I pray to God that I can win her book, how my heart will explode with joy.

  2. Mary Heart Lazarte

    i would love to try the modeling chocolate for my future projects! i wish i could win that book!!! 😀 cant wait to open it and start making toppers out of modeling chocolate! 🙂

  3. Sally McCornack

    what an amazing prize from such talent, meaning both the author whom I admire and of course Cake Masters magazine which I eagerly wait for every month for inspiration. Good luck everyone xx

  4. Chraneh

    I’m just getting into modelling chocolate & came across Nadia – she’s amazing. Just to see what she can do with a bit of chocolate is inspiring. Would love her book:)

  5. Rosemarie

    Es la mejor modelando. Si bien no fué la primera en modelar chocolate, sí ha sido la más importante a nivel de creatividad, enseñandonos una nueva forma de tratar con el chocolate y con el modelado de figuras, flores, ropas y todo un mundo lleno de arte y fantasia!! Moi, je l’adore!!

  6. Rosemarie

    Gran artista!! Si bien no fue la primera en modelar con el chocolate y creo que ha sido la figura mas importante en el mundo repostero, descubriendonos lo que se puede hacer con pasta de chocolate. Su gran creatividad y buen gusto dan un nuevo concepto a la decoración de tartas, al modelado de figuras, flores, ropas, creando un maravilloso mundo de fantasia, color y sabor. Moi, je l’adore